Earlier, we posted a
fascinating video clip from 2007 of Mitt Romney talking about his religious beliefs.
The clip came from a conversation Romney had during a commercial break in a radio interview with a conservative Iowa talk show host named Jan Mickelson in Des Moines. Romney rarely talks publicly about the details of his faith, so it is interesting to see him do so.
But the segment in which Romney describes the Second Coming is only part of what is interesting about this video.
Earlier in the interview, Romney talks in detail about three other issues that have come up frequently during the current Presidential campaign. His responses offer considerable details on some of his positions, as well as how he arrived at them. These views will worry and/or reassure some conservatives and liberals alike.
- Abortion. Romney says he thinks Roe v. Wade should be overturned and explains how we would do it. This is consistent with his current platform, though some of his moderate supporters have assumed he will not try to have the law overturned.
- The relative authority of the Supreme Court vs. the President and Congress. To the radio host's chagrin, Romney says he does not think that Presidents should just overrule Court decisions they disagree with or regard as unconstitutional. This will come as a relief to pretty much American whose views aren't extreme.
- The separation of church and state. Those who are concerned that Romney's allegiance to the Mormon Church might supersede his duties as President will be relieved to hear that he unequivocally supports the separation of church and state.
The video is below. Here are some of the key quotes and exchanges...
HOST: "Is Roe vs. Wade the law of the land?"
ROMNEY: "It is now. It was improperly decided..."
HOST: [Invoking a writer... ] "... [The writer] would say that the Supreme Court doesn't make law. They can't make law. There's only three sources of law, and the Court is not one of them."
ROMNEY: "We obviously apply what the Supreme Court tells us we must do."
HOST: "Even if it's unconstitutional? Even if they just make it up?"
ROMNEY: "Unfortunately, that's a decision that the Court has the first choice of making... And then we have redress... Our redress is open to us because the Constitution does lay out how we can overturn a court decision..."
Romney goes on to describe how he began the process of trying to overturn gay marriage in Massachusetts. By launching a ballot initiative to overrule the State Court's decision...
HOST: "But if the court is lawless, if it's inventing legislative authority, you don't even have to invoke the redress you mentioned. You can just say 'that's null and void on its face' because they're out of their legal jurisdiction."
ROMNEY: "It's not a circumstance I would look forward to, but I would be happy to confront it."
HOST: "I want a President who will tell the Supreme Court when it leaves its Constitutional boundaries to go take a flying leap and meet me in the back and we'll settle this like men. [!!] Because that's what this country is crying for. We don't have to amend the Constitution to change aberrant Supreme Court rulings--if the guy at the top and the political class will assume their Constitutional authority."
ROMNEY: "I would worry about a circumstance in which a President would decide which Court decisions..."
Romney goes on to explain that what he means is that he wouldn't want Hillary Clinton or Harry Reid deciding which court decisions they didn't like and overruling them. Then he comes back to Roe v. Wade.
ROMNEY: "In my view, the right course with Roe v. Wade is to have it overturned. And to have it overturned by a Court which includes additional justices like Roberts and Alito. And that, in my view, is the way for us to finally allow the states to have the authority the states were intended to have. This should be a matter of state decision, not a matter of federal decision."
The host then brings up Romney's change of position. He used to be pro-choice. Now he's pro-life. Romney says that he personally was never "pro-choice," that he merely promised to uphold the law of the land, which gave women the right to choose. Then he describes a bill that came to his desk in Massachusetts that made him change his mind and decide to become pro-life.
The host pushes back on this, suggesting that Romney had violated his religious beliefs by not being pro-life from the beginning. Romney responded by invoking the separation of church and state.
ROMNEY: "The great thing about this country is that individuals who run for secular office are not implementing the policies of their church--they're doing what they think is right for the nation."
The host then says again that Romney has gone against his religion, and Romney gets testy--responding that the host is wrong about Mormonism--there are many Mormons who are pro-choice. And, perfectly justifiably, he then shows some of the same impatience he showed during the debates.
The action begins at about the 3-minute mark. Before that, they mostly talk about barbecue.
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