SETU Software Systems, a startup incubated in IIIT-Hyderabad, has launched Veooz that aggregates and analyzes topics including people, places, products, movies, events, brands and more from social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, among others.
Users can login to the app using their Twitter or Facebook user accounts. However, we found that there's no way to link both user accounts if one logs in using their Twitter account. One can link both accounts if they log-in using their Facebook account.
Users can either follow trending topics or search anything from people, places, products, movies, events, brands, among others. Veooz displays a collections of recent tweets, influential tweets, a comment either from Facebook or blogs that might influence users, and general sentiment about the topic – in terms of positive or negative. It should be noted that the app only considers positive or negative comments and ignores neutral comments. Currently, it's not clear as to how Veooz calculates the sentiments as when we submitted a query for "Samsung Galaxy S3″ it returned with a 51% negative sentiment, however, most the tweets including real time and influential were generally positive.

Users can also follow a topic via email where Veooz will update users on the topic once every week. However, since we had already linked our Facebook account to the app, we expected the app to just use the email address linked to our Facebook account and not ask for our email address again. We also did not find the website aggregating data from our friends on Facebook, we suspect that it could be due to our friends not using the app yet and because the app only requests access to our location, email address and customized friend list, and not our wall.

Apart from that, users can reply to the tweet and share the tweet/comment from influential tweets or tweets in real time on Twitter or Facebook from within the app.
Our View: While many internet savvy users are making use of social media websites to pin their opinions, many data mining tools have appeared in last few months. With this large amount of data available freely, we would expect these tools to give something beyond sentiments.
Veooz competes with more robust tools such as, Radian6 and simpler twitter sentiment tools such as Sentiment140, Socialmention. The only advantage Veooz has over these tools is that it tracks content that's more India oriented, however, the same can be done with other tools as well with the right search query.
Popularity: 1% [?]
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