Google+ local (earlier it was Google Places) is one of the best way to promote your local business online. Not only your business will be listed in Google Places & Maps but also you have the better chance to rank in Google search.
But Google search shows only top 7 or top 3 listings from Google places. So if you want to rank on first page of Google for your local business then you have to optimize your listing to appear it in the top 3 spots.
And one of the important part in optimization is avoiding mistakes while submitting your details in listing your business in Google+ local.
So have a look on 5 most common mistakes people make while listing their business in Google+ local.
1. Don't Use Free Email Services
If you have a website & wants to use that website in your local listing then I strongly recommend you to use the email address on your domain only. If your website name is mybusiness.com then use the email address like name@mybusiness.com.
If you don't use the email that matches with your domain then there is a good chance Google will reject your listing.
2. Don't Use Keywords in Company/Organization Field
This is another mistake people make while submitting their listing to Google+ local. You have to use the actual name of your company in the field where it asks to enter the name of your company/organization.
People use keywords here to get high CTR for their listings and very few of them get the success. But most of the listing are rejected if you put your business keywords instead of your company name.
If you don't use company name, people will get confused if they plan to visit your business place. Using company name will also help in long term to establish your company as one of the brand.
3. Use Proper Keywords in the Category Fields
You can select up to 5 categories in the category field. You don't you have to choose the category from the drop down suggestions only but yes, its compulsory to choose at least one category from the suggestion.
You can enter your business keywords in the remaining 4 options. But its very important to do a little bit research before you enter any keyword. I suggest you to use Google Keyword tool & check which are the most searched keywords related to your business.
And yes, don't use the name of the city in the keyword like 'Best Dentist in Mumbai', instead use only 'Best Dentist'. Google automatically adds city in your keywords.
This way, you can be sure that your listing gets some good local traffic.
4. Use Videos & Images
One of the big mistake most of the people make is, they either use only 1 video or image or they don't use at all. Remember, you can upload up to 10 images & 5 videos. Utilized these options to upload more & more images & videos related to your business.
Not only Google will consider to rank your listing high on search engine but people will also get more details about your business through your videos & images. You can be sure for more conversion this way.
5. Complete Your Listing to 100%
Now if you want to view your listing fast on Google+ local, then make sure its 100% completed. I mean to say, add details in each & every field mentioned there.
You can easily check the progress on the right hand side under the heading '"Your Business Info". If it shows less than 100% then there are chances, you have left 1 or 2 fields blank.
Try to check if you have uploaded at least 1 image & video. Then check whether you have entered something in 'Additional details' column. Google loves the listings which are 100% complete.
So these are the common mistakes most people make while submitting their business listing in Google+ local. Don't make any of the above mistake if your aim is to bring your business listing on the first page of Google.
Apart from this, there are other off page optimization techniques that can boost your ranking to the first page of Google. These are:
- Creating a contact us page on your website & the address on your listing should match the address on contact us page.
- Create citations. You have to submit your business details in other local search portals in your city, state or country.
- Ask your customers to write some good reviews about your products & services on your listing.
- Create map reference to your Google+ local listing. Its very effective.
- Create backlinks to your website.
Guest Author : Just check here the story of one of the insurance agent who was looking for part time jobs in Chennai & how he started to make money using Google Places. Google+ local can help you to grow your local business if you do some good work to optimize your local listing. This article was contributed by Priya N who writes on blogging, internet marketing & make money topics.
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