We all have those quirks that make up who we are.
What we like to wear.
Our taste in food and what we love to drink.
Where we like to shop. Me? I just like to shop. However, I don't like to part with my hard earned money. So, you'll find me at clearance racks and thrift stores. Putting items back and pondering over the purchase for quite a while.
Knowing that about me, then you'll begin to understand that I use things until they can just no longer be used. My clothes. My vacuum. My coffee maker. My car. They will get exactly every use that I can possibly squeeze out of them. Things break, and I understand that. I hate to be the one breaking any of my stuff - but I really dislike it if anyone else breaks my belongings and it costs me more money.
I am not meaning if someone visits and they break a glass. I don't have to replace a glass. Who cares. Accidents happen.
I am however talking about if a mechanic breaks my car. I am talking about that resulting in thousands of dollars that would then come out of my pocket because said mechanic refuses to admit fault.
Okay, that has never happened to me.
It did happen to my parents.
They took their oh so reliable and beautiful Toyota Camry to a big box retailer that also changes tires and oil - for an oil change. The mechanic at the big box retailer didn't replace the oil cap after replacing the oil. No oil cap? Big problem!
Instead of getting into a big long story. My parents no longer have that Toyota Camry and that big box retailer who shall remain nameless - but loves blue, refuted damaging the engine.
Also, that quick oil change place that will get everything done in a jiffy - once pulled out "my air filter" to show me how dirty it was. Too bad they showed me one that was black and the one my dad pulled out of my car only the night before to show me... was orange. So, yes. I have trust issues when it comes to my car.
So... I try to have my husband or my father or myself perform all repairs possible on my vehicle. I love my baby! We change her oil, check her tires, etc... I even cleaned out her EGR Valve! {With the help of my father - who knows more about engines than I do} However, tomorrow I must take her to the only mechanic that I somewhat trust.
As much as I've tried to learn about her engine and upkeep, she needs a professional to ensure she can go another 235,000 miles for me. Because guess what - she's kept me from making a car payment for the last 7 years and I adore her for that! Remember, I hate parting with my hard earned money.
It's not that I'm Scrooge McDuck. Far from it. It's simply that I must be a good steward of my money.
And by the way, if you haven't read anything by Dave Ramsey - I suggest you do! You will not look at money and finances the same way ever again. I promise.So, my car is one of my quirks. Don't talk bad about her. I spent a lot of time researching her to make a decision on what vehicle I would buy once the one I had with such a bad tempo died on me. {Did that joke come through clearly?} I love her. I work on her. I haven't gone so far as to name her like some people do their cars. But if I did - I would probably call her Anne, with and 'e'. I feel bad for calling her Chuggington in one post, and I've apologized. Not really. She's a car.
You do know, that when I get her home - I will look under her hood to see that things were replaced and put back correctly, right? I will probably run my hand along the dash and in a dream sequence think about all that we've been through.
What are your weird quirks?

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