Yesterday, I came across an interesting Google I/O session from the GoogleDevelopers' YouTube channel. You're right, I haven't even the slightest clue when it comes to Android development, but I do find it weirdly peaceful to listen to sessions while I work. One of the more interesting ones I came across was the "Making Good Apps Great: More Advanced Topics for Expert Android Developers." While eaves dropping on the video, I noticed a few familiar "bleeps and bloops" from my childhood and almost lost my sh*t at what I stumbled onto.
While introducing the 3 main techniques developers can use to build better Android apps — Invisibility, Efficiency and Reliability — each topic was introduced with a quick, 16-bit-esque Android cartoon, that was equal parts nostalgic and "epic win." The kids still say that, right? Either way, I downloaded the entire session and cut it up, just so I could share with you the old-school bitmapped cartoons that warmed my heart. Hopefully they'll bring a smile to your face like they did mine. (Protip: pause and take a screen shot for a totally awesome/retro wallpaper for your desktop). Enjoy!
Oh, and for our developer friends out there who might have missed the session, you can watch the entire presentation here.
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